Expertise in
Mediation is a settlement process facilitated by a trained, skilled neutral family law expert called a mediator. Mediation is a private process where the parties can be free to openly discuss settlement possibilities outside of court, in an informal but structured setting that allows them to control the outcome of their case. No one “wins” in a family law dispute. Mediation requires compromise – both parties must give and get in order to reach a settlement that they can each live with. Mediation is designed to help the parties decide on an outcome that allows them to move on with their lives without the uncertainty, expense and emotional harm that comes with adversarial litigation. Because family law matters are difficult, typically each party is in a separate room with their attorney and the mediator moves back and forth between the rooms. Collard Family Law believes in mediation as the best way to settle a family law dispute and Dennis has years of experience both representing clients at mediation and serving as a registered mediator helping other attorneys and parties settle their cases.